Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One Year from 2012 Election, Numbers Favor the GOP (ContributorNetwork)

ANALYSIS | With the 2012 elections a year away, what are the biggest national issues and how do the policies of President Barack Obama compare to those proposed by leading GOP candidates vying for his job?

Jobs and the Economy

Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan removes all payroll taxes and replaces individual and corporate income taxes. According to Gary Robbins of Fiscal Associates, Cain's plan will expand GDP by $2 trillion, create 6 million new jobs, increase business investment by one third, and increase wages by 10 percent.

Newt Gingrich proposes regulatory and corporate tax reform, closing loopholes and reducing the federal rate from 35 percent down to 12.5 percent.

"The combination of pro-growth tax reform, spending restraint, and sound money will restore robust economic growth with low unemployment and low inflation," said central Reaganomics architect, Art Laffer.

Under Obama the food stamp program has risen 79 percent. Unemployment has remained at or above 9 percent for two years. A record breaking 46.2 million people are living below poverty level. The United States credit rating was downgraded for the first time in our nation's history.

"The U.S. national debt - any day now - will soar above the $15 trillion mark," CBS reported last week.

An October Gallup poll shows unemployment and the economy are the top two concerns among voters.

A recent AP-GfK Poll shows 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of both.


Cain's immigration plan is simple: Secure the borders, enforce our laws and promote the existing path to citizenship.

Gingrich proposes to reform the legal visa system, control the border by January 1, 2014 and establish English as the official United States language.

In June, the Obama administration filed a lawsuit to block Arizona's effort to enforce the immigration laws his administration ignores. In August, the LA Times reported that the Obama administration would review 300,000 cases of illegal immigrants to identify "low-priority" offenders and deport only convicted felons and other "public safety threats" while allowing the rest "to stay."

A Pew Research poll showed the majority of Americans sided with Arizona.

A September Rasmussen survey shows that 59 percent believe Obama's policies encourage illegal immigration.

An October Pew Research poll shows 78 percent of Americans want stronger enforcement of current immigration laws and tighter border security and a collection of national polls by

Blame-Game Status Quo Politics

In his interview on MSNBC's Morning Joe, even Jay Carney, Obama's press secretary, admitted "Americans are sick and tired of the partisan bickering" and "fed up" with Washington.

With no policy successes to speak of, Obama's reelection strategy is to distract Americans from his failures by blaming congress.

A Real Clear Politics national poll average, showed congressional approval was 21.7 percent in 2009. Today RCP shows congressional approval has fallen 8.9 points to 12.8 percent.

In 2009, RCP showed Obama's approval was 63.5 percent. Since then his approval has dropped 17.7 points to 45.8 percent.

Despite the media smear campaign, support for Cain remains high.

CNN reports two polls showing Gingrich is on the rise.

Monday's Gallup poll shows Cain tied for first with Mitt Romney and Gingrich second. A survey by Poll Position shows a Cain-Gingrich ticket defeats Obama-Joe Biden.


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