My handsome & hard-working man. I hope my son grows up to be just like him.
I?d like to think that I?ve come a long way as a working momma, from someone who was miserable & sick over leaving her son to a gal who enjoys her day & job.?Being in a job where working mommas are normal & there no archaic people asking me why I ?don?t want to be home with my baby? helps, too.
I roll my eyes when people insinuate that someone else is raising my baby, because I?m pretty darn sure it was me?tucking him back into bed at 4am?the other morning.? I let it roll off my back when someone tells me to ?prioritize? to stay home with my family, when the priorities we set are the reason I work ? it?s how we want to raise our family.? Children are dying of starvation, so let?s not worry about the 8 hours my child spends in the watchful & fun care of his daycare.
But I have to admit that there is still one phrase that burns the butter on my biscuit.
?My husband works hard so that I can stay home.?
You know, or something like that.
I get it, really.? Your husband DOES work hard & you are proud of him, thankful, & you should be!? I think it is wonderful when a family goal is to have a stay-at-home mother & the husband?s job affords that plan.? I also love to hear women build up their men.? I?m an old-fashioned sap like that.? If you can?t be nice about your spouse, who can you be nice about?
But when I see it used on Facebook updates that say something to the effect of, ?I have the best job in the world ? mommy! So glad I have a husband that works so hard so I can be at home with our children!??well, it puts me in HULK SMASH defensive mode because sounds like ?SMUG ALERT 5000!? I think my husband is a better man than yours! You don?t stay home because your husband is a bum!?? I feel the need to defend the honor of my man, who also works hard but who?s company doesn?t offer benefits.? Who earns salary, so overtime is not an option.
Here?s the deal ? unless your baby daddy is a crack-smoking K-Fed wannabe that lays on the couch all day, your partner works hard.? Whether he makes minimum wage sorting mail or is a partner in a law firm making six figures, that man is working for his family & deserves to be praised.
p.s. doug, thank you for working hard for our family.? not only are you devilishly handsome & good in bed, but i?m proud of you!
p.p.s. this is my personal burned biscuit & my personal butter. you may internalize those phrases differently & hey! that?s cool!? different flavored biscuits for everyone!
More on Babble by BA:
Where I address a really obnoxious opinion.
Beth Anne writes words & takes pictures on The Heir to Blair.
You can also find her on the Twitters & Facebook.
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