Fedex, Shiping to Japan, Heavy goods, Do I have to find a depot ??
? Join Date: Sep 2007 Posts: 45 Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post |
I wil be posting Heavy goods to Japan, using Fedex.. EDIT: A BUYER in Japan is buying them from me. They are vynll records..... heavy too (15 kg) My question is: or do Fedex collect these? (I am also asking about DHL)
Last edited by Jane_gs; Today at 9:55 AM. |
? Join Date: May 2005 Posts: 1,919 Thanked 985 Times in 639 Posts |
FedEx will collect from you - or you save a couple of quid by dropping it off. Define heavy? |
? Join Date: Mar 2009 Posts: 41 Thanked 20 Times in 16 Posts |
FedEx will collect. Just make sure that the box is sturdy and the contents securely packed. You will need to provide the weight, box size in cm and the value. It will be expensive. DHL is the same procedure. |
? Join Date: Sep 2007 Posts: 45 Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post |
? Join Date: Oct 2006 Posts: 3,841 Thanked 2,723 Times in 1,676 Posts |
Don't forget you will also be (probably) liable for any duty as they enter Japan also, so you need to leave your credit card details with FedEx/DHL. Oh, and remember they will also add a clearence fee most likely - about a tenner - for them to manage your package through customs. It can be horribly expensive, so nake sure you take out the scratched-up Zeppelin and re-buy it new when you arrive! |
? Join Date: Sep 2007 Posts: 45 Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post |
How can i find the amount of these Custom charges ? Can they tell on the phone? Quote:
I basically want a list of ALL the hidden charges... |
? Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: Highland Perthshire Posts: 2,082 Thanked 1,143 Times in 797 Posts |
I think paddy was probably assuming that you are moving to Japan yourself and are shipping records that you will pick up when you arrive - and that therefore it's not worth paying shipping and duty costs for an album in poor condition, cheaper to buy a CD when you get there. Of course, we have no idea whether you are moving, or if you are shipping them for some other reason. |
? Join Date: Sep 2007 Posts: 45 Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post |
? Join Date: Oct 2006 Posts: 3,841 Thanked 2,723 Times in 1,676 Posts |
Then make the BUYER sort out all the FedEx paperwork, put their card on the account, etc., so they can get hit by the customs and clearence charges. You won't know the duty, charges etc and exchange rates that will be billed back to the card until maybe a month after the buyer has the goods, so don't get involved. Just give the buyer your address and ask them to arrange their own courier. I have known people get caught out by this, where a package is sent to the US, the buyer receivs the goods, the FEDEX hit you for another $50 as the buyer has vanished - don't get involved! |
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