Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Catholic Church in South Africa regards abuse as a crime

An interview with BBC Radio Five Live by Cardinal Wilfred Napier of Durban, South Africa, has been understood to have implied that paedophilia is a sickness, rather than a crime.

Whether or not that it is what the cardinal intended to imply, or whether he intended rather to make the point that criminal punishment was an insufficient response to paedophilia, is not clear.

What is clear is that he regards it, uncontroversially, as a condition needing treatment, and gives the example in the interview of two priest abusers who were themselves abused in their childhood. Few would disagree that, indeed, paedophilia is a compulsive disorder.

But it is also a crime, in both civil and canon law, something the Church?s safeguarding guidelines make absolutely clear.

That, too, is the unambiguous position of the Southern African Bishops? Conference (SABC), whose safeguarding procedures can be downloaded here.

The relevant sections read:

The sexual abuse of minors is a crime in both Canon and Civil Law. Catholics, including clergy and Religious, are subject to whatever civil laws are in force in regard to such abuse. Over and above those civil laws, the Church in Southern Africa (South Africa, Botswana and Swaziland) has its own disciplinary procedures for responding to allegations of sexual abuse of minors by members of the clergy. This is called the ?Protocol for Church Personnel in Regard to the Sexual Abuse of Minors?.

and later:

The written policy of the Church is based on the conviction that each child should be nourished and affirmed as a gift from God with an inherent right to dignity of life and bodily integrity which must be respected, nurtured and protected by all. The policy communicates the commitment of the Church at all levels to keep children safe by creating a safe environment for children participating in Church-related activities. It aims to prevent abuse and to make sure that the Church personnel are aware of situations that reasonably lead to abuse. It takes into account the provisions of state law.
According to South African law:

  • Any person who has knowledge that a sexual offence has been committed against a child must report such knowledge to a police official or registered social worker.
  • Any person, who on reasonable grounds, suspects that a child has been physically abused or deliberately neglected must report that suspicion to the police or registered social worker who has had the appropriate training.Moreover, the SACBC Protocol stipulates that anybody who has information on the sexual abuse of a minor by a cleric passes that information to the Contact Person appointed by the relevant Church authority.

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